
Tuesday 1 February 2011

Is it Spring yet?

Givenchy Spring 2011 Couture
Chanel Spring 2011Couture
Valentino Spring 2011 Couture

"Fashion is the most powerful art there is. It's movement, design and architecture all in one. It shows the world who we are and who we'd like to be"
-Blair Waldorf

Saturday 29 January 2011

Old Hollywood

Jcrew has put together the most charming Spring 2011 catalog. Not only are the shots and storyline great, but they used the adorable Sam Page, who seems to be on literally every TV show I watch lately. Not to mention he's a Milwaukee native! Here are a few of the pages...

Friday 28 January 2011



As of next year, our favorite affordable, Swedish import will have online shopping! Shopping is so much more fun in your pajamas with a cup of coffee in hand (or a mimosa)

Going to the chapel..

and we're gonna get maaaaaried. Ok this is by no means a wedding blog, as that is in my FAR FAR distant future. However, I came across images from Vera Wang's new, more affordable line of wedding dresses and they are really beautiful. They'll be sold at David's Bridal (a little tacky, I know) but bride's will still be able to tell their friends they're wearing Vera Wang and that should count for something, right? The most expensive gown in the collection is $1,500, which as you all know is a steal for a Wang bridal dress. Pictures are hard to come by so I can't show you my favorites but you can check out the full collection here.

Saturday 22 January 2011

Just so you know...

I recently started working as a virtual stylist on a new website, The concept of the site is so simple, yet really great! Anyone can hop on the website, post a picture of themselves, and receive quick feedback on their outfit. Its perfect for those days that you're shopping alone and can't decide whether those J Brand skinnies really do justice to your butt. Simply snap a picture and post it to the website and you'll soon receive honest opinions. You can also spend time browsing the website and giving feedback to other shoppers so go ahead and return the favor!

Boulevard Bags

If you go to UW Madison and are in the Greek system, there is a 95% chance that you own at least one Longchamp bag. The classic LePliage is a fold-able, nylon tote, which means it is water proof and perfect for class.
The downside to the tote is its poor excuse for an inner pocket. I don't know about you, but anything I put in the inside pocket is almost bound to fall out. Want to put your keys in a safe, accessible place? Too bad, even if you put them in the pocket, you will spend 5 minutes searching for them at the bottom of the bag as you freeze outside in the single digit weather we're experiencing. The Longchamp bag becomes a black hole for pens, chapstick, cellphones, ipods, change and keys. This is bound to happen in any large purse, but really, is it too much to ask for one zippered pocket?

Well worry no more, because I've found your solution.
The Boulevard Friday Bag has the same classic appearance as the Le Pliage, as well as the same water-resistant nylon. BUT it has a handy ZIPPERED pocket on the outside of the bag (not to mention a zippered pocket on the inside too). How perfect is that? And the bags retail for extremely similar prices so its a win-win. You can thank me next time you actually manage to answer a phone call in time.

Thursday 13 January 2011

Brand Spotlight

Last spring, I was lucky enough to jet-set out of Wisconsin and spend my semester in London. LONDON. IS. THE. SHIT. Really, it is. If you haven't been, go. And if you have, go back. One day while I was puttering around Notting Hill, I came across a new-to-me store, AllSaints. I don't know how it had gone undiscovered for so long! AllSaints is a London-based clothing company that promotes a edgy yet earthy feel. The clothes are beyond tredy yet are simple and easy to wear. The line features lots of neutral colors, think black, brown, beiges and grays, but uses a variety of cuts, patterns and fabrics so their pieces are rarely basic.

The collection includes men's and women's wear, children's wear, shoes, and a limited selection of homegoods. If you're fortunate enough to live in a major city (i.e. NYC, Miami, L.A., Chicago) AllSaints has a few US stores. The brand is also carried in Bloomingdales, and you can shop online at Right now they have a great sale going on :)

Some lustworthy pieces:

Sunday 9 January 2011

Kate Spade

You might have heard by now, but Bryce Dallas Howard is the face of Kate Spade's 2011 Spring Campaign, marking the first time a celebrity/actress has headlined a Spade campaign. Thoughts? I don't know much about Dallas Howard (other than her performance in the third Twilight film and her father's fame) but I love her for Kate Spade. A bright, smily redhead perfectly embodies Kate Spade's classic, cheery style. I can totally see her rocking loads of the brand's fun jewelry.


AH! David and Victoria Beckham, are expecting their fourth child! Cross your fingers for a girl, aka the most fabulously dressed baby ever.

Friday 7 January 2011


Unless you want to go blind from the sun reflecting off the January snow, grab some chic shades pronto.

In the meadow we can build a snowman...

If you are going to be building a snowman, or if you're just spending anytime outside, chances are you're going to need some cold-weather accessories. Winter may not be my favorite season but if it means furnishing my already-quite-large collection of scarves and mittens, then its something I may just be able to rally around. One of my favorite ways to stock up on scarves is to buy pashminas by the boat load on the streets of New York. I'm not at all embarrassed to admit that my trips to New York usually include digging through dirty street vendors to find a pashmina in my current color obsession. At $5 or 6$ a pop, the price can't be beat.

If you won't be finding yourself in New York anytime soon, or various other large cities for that matter, here are some other cozy things I'm loving.

Anthropologie scarves, any kind, any color
Anthropologie scarves range from about $50 to $300 so the price is a little steep, but they literally have the most fab scarves I've ever seen. I recently worked an internship there and would pretty much use any free time I had to try on their various wraps. They're absolutely gorgeous and they have everything from heavy, cold-weather scarves, to silky, light scarves perfect for spring and fall days. I promise you if you buy one, you will constantly be complimented.

This scarf seems to be sold out everywhere (tear) but I'm still going to put it up because I'm obsessed. I'm loving the fur trends this season, although lets be honest, its always classic. Sidenote, anyone notice Ali from The City? You may remember her best for fighting constantly with her boyfriend? No? Thats ok, she wasn't very important (and neither was the show) but I thought I'd point it out anyways.

Ok, admittedly, some people may find these extremely stupid but I LOVE them.

Echo Infinity Scarf, $38.40
Echo Chunk Twist Snood, 15"W
In the last few years it seems infinity scarves are everywhere and they are- because they're amazing. You can find them literally everywhere and at every price point. I personally think if you're looking for a truly functional scarf, this is your best bet. Another name for them I've been seeing is the 'Snood', as you can wear it as both a scarf and a faux hood if you're ears are in need of some warmth. Hopefully everyone is getting fully stocked on snowy gear because here in Madison, we're in for a long, white winter!

Winter Wonderland

Ha. Winter wonderland it is not. Up here in the great white north, winter has already over stayed its welcome (in my humble opinion), and yet we all know it will likely be snowing well into March. While living in La La land and wearing leather riding boots all winter would be wonderful, thats simply not an option over here. Thus, here are some winter boots I'm lusting after to keep your toes cozy as we crawl through the next few months of minimal sunlight and blustery winds.

This chic rain boots take a more practical approach to a classic riding boot, using rubber and mesh lining to keep your feet nice and dry as you trudge through the snow. As a Hunter fan and consumer, I love these boots but I must caution- rubber will not keep your feet warm. Add a pair of wool socks and you should be good to go!

These Sorel boots take the classic (albeit unfortunate) duck boots and give them a modern and trendy flair. They're obviously an extreme cold-weather boot, but those of us in Midwest climates can truly appreciate both their practicality and ruggedness. I admit, they aren't a shoe you want to wear out on the town or god-forbid, on a date, and yet, I kind of really love them.

No winter boot post would be complete without a shout out to our furry friends at Ugg Australia. Love them, hate them, but there's no denying that a fresh pair of Uggs is like heaven to your feet. They may be fug, but rest assured, I fully endorse their use for runs to class or the grocer. As for the infamous MUggs (man uggs), please just say no.

That is all for winter boots! Let me know if you have any other favs!